A jar of Nutella
on a painfully gloomy day,
A walk by the beach
with the waves running to meet your toes,
A toothless smile
from your neighbor’s old granny,
A “Hey, are you doing ok?”
from a long lost friend,
Don’t all these unconsciously steer
the corners of your lips to curl up
into a smile that seemed almost impossible
just a few moments ago?
It’s not vacations in Mauritius
and dinners at the Marriott
that makes the eye gleam and heart dance,
Neither is it bottles of Chanel perfumes
and wardrobes filled with Louis Vuitton
that fill your heart with endless warmth.
Its the little acts of kindness,
the “Good afternoon” you told the watchman,
the toffee you gave that little girl
the compliment to the lady in the metro
or the 5 min chat with your lonely classmate.
Seemingly insignificant
yet immensely valuable,
its often these little things
that create unimaginable impact.
In an increasingly black world
with everyone stuck
behind their own grey clouds,
becoming a 7 coloured rainbow
in someone else’s cloud
does seem a little daunting.
But instead, let’s start small,
Lets just be that little yellow or red
Or even that speck of orange,
B’cos even that’ll go a long way
In brightening up someone’s grey.
And like tiny drops come together
to make the mighty ocean,
You & I,
with these small acts of warmth
Let’s make this world a gentler place?