
Sneha Ganesh
Jun 3, 2021


1// Normal is a mirage
An illusion of expectations,
Of predefined constructs
and an engraved desire
to always fit in and blend,
steering you away
from everything that defines
your unique personality.

In fear of criticism,
in fright of isolation,
it’s all but a falsified reality
we’re forcing onto ourselves,
afraid of not adhering to conventions.
Break out of this illusion,
redefine typical standards,
because the only normality
today’s world needs,
is one where you’re being
your abnormal unapologetic self.

2// In a world of mirages
that people hopefully follow,
only to be broken
by the harsh truth of its non-existence;
Be the real water body,
glimmering aesthetically in blue,
Existing to quench the thirst,
And making people rebelieve
that it’s not only a world
of deep dark deceptions.



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